The destination charge is a standard charge for transporting the vehicle from its point of origin to the dealer. It costs about the same to get the Mitsubishi Galant to the dealership as the average midsize sedan. The average midsize sedan won't save you much money at the pump compared to the Mitsubishi Galant. The Mitsubishi Galant isn't much more expensive than the typical midsize sedan as far as MSRP.
The average midsize sedan is a better choice than the Galant when it comes to hauling capacity, especially if you often need to carry a lot of equipment or big pets. The Mitsubishi Galant and the average midsize sedan can accommodate the same number of passengers.
While the front cabin in the Galant offers a bit more head room than the average midsize sedan, there frankly isn't much of a difference. The average midsize sedan is not particularly more spacious for your passengers than the Mitsubishi Galant.
The Mitsubishi Galant and the typical midsize sedan have similar-sized engines, with a slight advantage to the typical midsize sedan. Torque equals pickup, and the typical midsize sedan will have picked up and gone by the time the Mitsubishi Galant finally gets moving. Torque is the force that lets you accelerate quickly, and in this respect, the typical midsize sedan is quite a bit more powerful than the Mitsubishi Galant.
The basic after-sale protection that comes with the average midsize sedan isn't quite as generous as the Mitsubishi Galant's. When it comes to after-sale protection against rust, the Mitsubishi Galant has markedly better coverage than the average midsize sedan.
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